Enayatollah Shahidi, MD


Board Member & Co-Chair of Education & Training Committeeof the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH). Secretary/Treasurer of ISH

Tehran, Iran

Dr. Veit Messmer


Past president German Dental Hypnosis Society. Med Dentist

Auggen, Germany

Bernhard Trenkle


President of International Society of Hypnosis.(ISH). International congress and conference organizer

Rottweil, Germany

Dr Mehdi Fathi


President of Asian Hypnosis Society

Associate professor of cardiac anesthesia

Mashhad, Iran

Marie Mattle


Artist/ Painter

Basel, Switzerland

Sabrina Mattle


Basel, Switzerland


Nicole Ruysschaert


M.D. Psychiatrist - Psychotherapist

Past-President of Hypnosis ESH


Ernst Meier

MA + MSc, Psychologist, Emergency Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Zurich, Switzerland

Susanne Leutner

Dipl.psychologist and psychotherapist

Bonn, Gemany

Helmut Riessbeck


Dr. med.psychotherapist

Schwabach, Gemany

Brigitte Huellemann

Dr. med.psychotherapist. specialist in internal medicine, sports and social medicine, psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic medicine; basic training in deep psychological psychotherapy, family therapy, couple therapy, hypnotherapy according to Milton Erickson.

Bavaria, Gemany


Uri Eiger


Dipl. psychotherapist

Bonn, Gemany

Uri Eiger


Dipl. psychotherapist

Bonn, Gemany

Elfie Cronauer


Dipl. psychotherapist

Mönchengladbach, Gemany


Sepp Holtz & Eva holtz,

Zürich, Switzerland


Sepp Holtz: Pediatrician, Hypnotherapist

Eva Holtz : Artist (Sculptor)

Rolf Nyfeler

Zürich, Switzerland




Emmanuel Boselli


Anesthesiology and Intensive-care

Lyon, France

Hans Peter Lutz


Pyisician,Specialist in Psychometric medicine, Psychotherapy

Ettlingen, Karlsruhe, Germany

Ute Clement, Sophia Clement


Dipl. Psychologist, Consultantmedicine,

Heidelberg / Berlin, Germany

Copyright 2019, Milano - Italy